‘Blow me’ and ‘Touch me’ are posters equipped with sensors that detect interaction when a visitor either blows into the microphone or presses a button. The interaction triggers an audio sound clip of a male or female voice saying the words ‘Oh yeah’, as a result of a successful interaction.

The speakers are positioned at the very top of the construction. They are not hidden, but most people still don’t notice them upfront. This adds a big element of surprise to the interaction. Most people don’t expect sound at all. But when they do hear it, it’s the content itself that they find most uplifting and almost hilarious. As the XMe series is easy to understand and fun to play with, a lot of viewers bring back friends and they play together. People mostly describe the experience as positive and cheerful.

This project was my master thesis at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana, focusing on designing explicit sensor-based interactions. They have been exhibited 3 times in various locations with various audiences.

  • Ljubljana Mini Maker Fair, May 2017

  • Trieste Mini Maker Fair, September 2017

  • Solo exhibition at Rampa Lab, June 2018


Screaming Fluff