Intro to Protopie

For an ongoing HMI dashboard project, we created several prototypes in the ideation part of the project. They show scenarios of what an e-scoter driver might encounter on their drive, with the focus specifically on human-machine interaction.

All the scenarios were designed in the prototyping tool ProtoPie. Seeing they covered a broad range of what the software offers, we advanced the project into a student course for the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. The program was introduced through show demos and step-by-step tutorials. As their final project students had to implement their own Protopie prototypes showing a (smart) dashboard feature for a future vehicle.

The 6 demo prototypes were created as scenarios that an e-scoter driver might encounter on their drive. They show a variety of possible triggers and include external sensors connected through an Arduino, internal sensors from our mobile phones, or explicit input from the driver either through voice commands, touch screen gestures, or command buttons on the handlebar. The responses are either automatic adjustments of the machine, safety messages, navigation options, or audio feedback.

Co-teacher: prof. Michael Haller


  • January 2021 - MDT, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (online)

  • January 2022 - MDT, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (online)


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